The CGB System is your guide to solutions that open new possibilities to end career rut.

Career Growth Basics is your guide to find solutions that inspire actions that lead to new career possibilities.

This website started with my childhood curiosity to discover how things work and to find solutions. From the beginning, I’ve understood how looking for answers to my questions opens new possibilities.

My investigative skills have evolved over the years. They have been (and continue to be) influenced by my life experiences and my work as a family therapist and career counselor and professor.

Here are some comments from some of the people I’ve had the pleasure of working with.


"This course has taught me many things but what I gained most from it was confidence. During these few weeks I learned how to have confidence in myself and my abilities." ---Summer G.

"I really didn't think I could make those "dreams" of mine come true. Prof. Shenkman helped me understand how to look for possibilities.” - Ed W.

"I was not happy about having to take your class.  But then you talked about time and asked what we did with it. I saw how I waste time. Changed some of what I do every day.  I got the promotion. Thanks." - Mike Z.

"My dream about success was getting to work at Disney. Never thought it could happen. Now I’m just over the moon to be heading off to Japan to be part of an anime team! Thanks so much for helping me get into new habits.” -Jeff B.

“Thank you, Prof. Shenkman,

This course has been tremendously eye-opening. Many of us, if not all, have practiced these strategies and techniques for a long time. Not knowing how much more these strategies can offer, now we understand their concepts and have learned how to include them in all aspects of our lives, in an organized manner. It is extremely uplifting to know how to draw upon all the resources available providing us with the help necessary to reach our goals.” – Rae S.

Thank you, Mrs. Shenkman, for assisting me with finding a way forward after my devasting divorce. I continue to use your process and wanted you to know I’ve moved closer to my family where I have a large support network. I’ve started a new job where they offer an employee tuition assistance program. I’m researching online possibilities! -Kate B.

You helped me realize I didn’t have to leave my job. I’m still not happy with what I’m doing here in sales. But I investigated possibilities within the company and am now studying to take a test for a new grade level to make me eligible for a new position in the corporate training department Thank you. -Jackie W.

I’m the guy who took your course a couple months ago. I sat in the back in the corner. Didn’t say much. I didn’t want to be there. But it was either take your class or lose my job. So, I listened in case the boss asked. The stuff about decision-making stuck with me. When the boss asked me to report about the course, I told him I decided I wanted to get out of the warehouse and into transport. He told me to write a plan to improve company transport. I did the research. I wrote the report. I got the promotion. Me….a transport manager. Wow. And this is the longest email I’ve ever written. Thank you, Mrs. Shenkman." -Frank G.

You will notice that the results are varied. The CGB System is designed to be fluid and flexible to meet individual needs to find solutions and possibilities.

Review the principles that drive the purpose and process of The CGB System found in the INTRO-HOW IT WORKS Section.

Live in the possibilities.


PS Stay current with the latest happenings at Career Growth Basics. Join the CGB NEWS CATS Team.