This introduction answers the following two questions:
How the CGB System works is through the process of stories and questions and exercises presented in the Guides.
Reading the CGB material activates self-reflection. Self-reflection is the purpose leading directly to how to work the information into a career advancement progress plan.
Develop abilities to create a plan
that ends career rut
and starts a journey towards
the career of your dreams.
The principles that drive the purpose and process of CGB are:
Lett's take a closer look at how to work the CGB process.
1.How It Works
The CGB System has four sections.
Each section places a focus on a specific career advancement strategy.
Every section has three Guides.
The three Guides are:
Overview Guide: presents the strategy of the section and explores its value in a career growth plan.
Define It Guide: places a focus on the meaning of the strategy to determine its relationship to career growth.
Create It Guide: asks questions to encourage curiosity to explore how to creatively use the strategy in a career progress plan.
2. How To Work It
FIRST: Read the Overview Guide at the start of each section. Make notes of your thoughts about the Overview Guide material.
SECOND: Read the Define It Guide which walks you through a series of questions to help you determine what the Overview material means to you.
Jot down your thoughts about the Define It Guide information.
THIRD: Read the Create It Guide. Write your answers to the Create It Guide.
Use the CGB Notebook to record your thoughts and responses to the questions in the Overview Guide and the Define It Guide and the Create It Guide. You can download the CGB Notebook under the Resources tab.
"Success is no accident. It is hard
work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what
you are doing or learning to do." — Pele, Brazilian soccer player
There are no tests associated with this CGB System.
You are in charge. You set the pace.
A brief summary of the work is to:
~Read the material.
~Evaluate the material.
~Write your thoughts about the material in the CGB Notebook.
Use Notebook entries to:
*Review past actions taken to create career success. Be mindful of what worked and what did not work.
*Evaluate the possibility of investigating new paths to career success.
*Start an outline for your career growth plan based on your strengths and abilities.
*Review and refresh and update your career growth plan as needed.
The system is designed to be fluid and flexible.
You are in charge.
Go HERE to take another look at the expected outcomes of working the CGB SYSTEM.
Read this SUMMARY of the outcome of a user of The CGB System.
Want to know the reason I keep talking about principles and purpose and process?
Click HERE to take an in-depth look at how the 3Ps of The CGB System can help you improve your learning experience.
"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it."
— Maya Angelou
Use this CGB System outline to stay on track with your progress while you work through the sections of the CGB System.
Introduction To Career Growth Basics
1-Introduction to the CGB process and how to use the CGB Guides.
Part One
*2-Overview Guide: What is Career Success?
*3-Define It Guide: How does Career Success fit into a Career Progress Plan?
*4-Create It Guide: Determine what Career Success means to you.
Part Two
*2-Overview Guide: How do you think?
*3-Define It Guide: How do you harness the power of Thought?
*4-Create It Guide: Determine the role of thinking skills in a Career Progress Plan.
Part Three
*2-Overview Guide: How do you spend your time?
*3-Define It Guide: How to make time an asset.
*4-Create It Guide: Determine how to use time as part of a Career Growth Plan.
Part Four
*2-Overview Guide: What is problem-solving and what is decision-making?
*3-Define It Guide: How do you solve problems and make decisions.?
*4-Create It Guide: Determine your problem-solving and decision-making strategies.
The expected benefits of the Career Growth Basics System can include:
*Increase self-awareness of strengths and abilities.
*Determine how to utilize strengths and abilities to create a new path to career growth.
*Open new possibilities for career success.
*Combine strengths and abilities with new strategies to develop skills to support habits that lead to career success.
Continue your momentum towards busting out of your career Rut. Follow your curiosity to create:
Your Career. Your Success. Your Way.
What are your next CGB Steps?
>Get more details and examples of the Career Growth Basics Steps HERE.
>Get answers to frequently asked questions HERE.
Live in the Possibilities.
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